Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The war with Legion is over. GREAT battle and it doesn't matter how quickly it was over (12 hours) or what the final score was (509-238) but what does matter is the reason we did it. As I mentioned before, it wasn't a vendetta or to prove anything (we fucking rock) but it was intended to bring back something to this game that's been missing for some time now..... 

No matter what some people may say, this war got people pumped up on both sides and helped everyone forget about becoming the "next big guild" for a short time. It woke people the fuck up and made them THINK instead of just clicking away on buttons. It didn't require any "big dogs" piling up into one guild and swinging away blindly at everyone in their paths, it required a group of people with the same goal in mind working together to achieve something and that's what both sides accomplished with those members that actually put some effort into this war.

This was just the first of many, so be prepared to see a shitload more

Leave the egos and fucking attitudes out of the game and bring back the fun!

Lav out!


  1. glad both sides enjoyded it lav, maybe it will bring more life to the game as you suggest

  2. It was a good fight, Lav. Sorry we could not get more active for the war....but we are re-building as best we can for the future. It was a fun war and I thank you for doing a fun war. You were a member here a while back.

  3. Von, I enjoyed my time with you guys and gals and I look forward to seeing the outcome of the rebuild. Like I said, I want this game to get back to its roots and I will keep stirring shit up to make it happen.

  4. Just Curious, is your guild allied with DEN???
