Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Breaking in the New Year

Well damn, a month into the new year and I almost forgot I had this fucking blog. LMAO
Let's start with something obvious for a lot of people......

That doesn't apply to everyone, I just get tired of hearing the same shit over and over again both in game and in real life. If you're a jerk, making a resolution isn't going to change a fucking thing. It's just who you are so own it and be proud!

Some things have changed here and there within my guild but our mission is still the stir up some activity. We've lost some members, gained some, and cleaned out the squatters. We do have a secret weapon though.

With that laugh out of the way, let's put the attitudes away and enjoy this game. It's not real life and some of us lose sight of that sometimes with our actions.

I look forward to all the craziness this year will bring and has already brought. I wish each and every one of you the best and speaking of not taking things too seriously, here's a way to get some KILLER ABS!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Have you heard the news yet? Soon enough we'll get new resources and recipes and drops to help craft equipment?!

As much as this seems like a cool idea to bring into the game, I still have an itch to poke fun at it so here goes some scratching......

So now we all get to be little fashion designers. If we fuck it up, do we still get something useable or end up with crap like this?

I also wonder what the "resources" will be. Are we talking iron, jewels, and cool shit like that or are we talking scissors, glue, and maybe even some child labor where the law doesn't apply?

And what happens to these little suckers after they're done making you something? Who is going to feed them? The Emperor? Sure as hell won't be me!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I'm actually not here to talk trash or insult anyone in any way this time. (sorry to disappoint) This was a GREAT war and I'm proud of everyone that took part in it. Hell, it was like an epic dance battle!

Even though they only had a handful of members participating, they put up a damn good fight! Shit, they lost by less than half! The final score was GOW - 1014   WRT - 628. Who the fuck does that with only a handful of people? We took a little break from our wars so we could upgrade our Forum and make more room for fellow ass kickers but this was a great way to get back into it.

 More guilds will be seeing us more often so to the slackers out there, get your asses off the couch in your mother's basement, stop stuffing your faces with puffy cheetos, and put some clothes on for fuck's sake! Nobody wants to see your ass crack hanging out of your briefs!

To everyone else including the people in WRT and my own guild, now that this is over I ask.......

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Were they asleep?

Judging by the score, I'd bet that CM didn't even know they were about to have their asses handed to them or they simply fell asleep while waiting for it to start and woke up after it QUICKLY ended.

It was over WAY too quickly and the final score was GOW[NO_MERCY] 509
CM[CM6] 0. My people came through in a big way but feel slightly cheated in a way since it wasn't a war but a SLAUGHTER.

So in all fairness, I have reached out to a few of the Admins and the gm from CM to see if they want to set up a date to do it again. Hopefully the fuckers remember this time!

They'll have to wait in line though, we have another target coming up soon to bring the fun and the fight back to this game!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Next in line

After hitting the gym this weekend with the discount, we shall see who trained the hardest and smartest!

Today, 2:47pm

Gods_Of_War [NO_MERCY] declares WAR upon Critical_Mass [CM6]

We, the Gods_Of_War hereby declare WAR upon
Reason for war:
C. Fun

Start time:
Must be at least 24 hours after post time
08/31/2014 13:00 [31 August 2014]

Conditions for victory:
E. 500 Experience Gained

Spoils of War:
(Select One Below)
C. Ceasefire between Guilds for 2 Weeks
D. Leave our sheep alone
Gods_Of_War [NO_MERCY]
45 / 45 Members


Critical_Mass [CM6]
42 / 42 Members 
Time to hit some of the "big boys" and see if they still have the fighting spirit or if they're too busy eating puffy cheetos from in between the sofa cushions.
Again, nobody was rubbed the wrong way and this isn't a's for fun but that doesn't mean that anyone needs to hold back. Good luck to all!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The war with Legion is over. GREAT battle and it doesn't matter how quickly it was over (12 hours) or what the final score was (509-238) but what does matter is the reason we did it. As I mentioned before, it wasn't a vendetta or to prove anything (we fucking rock) but it was intended to bring back something to this game that's been missing for some time now..... 

No matter what some people may say, this war got people pumped up on both sides and helped everyone forget about becoming the "next big guild" for a short time. It woke people the fuck up and made them THINK instead of just clicking away on buttons. It didn't require any "big dogs" piling up into one guild and swinging away blindly at everyone in their paths, it required a group of people with the same goal in mind working together to achieve something and that's what both sides accomplished with those members that actually put some effort into this war.

This was just the first of many, so be prepared to see a shitload more

Leave the egos and fucking attitudes out of the game and bring back the fun!

Lav out!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It's about that time!

Gods_Of_War [NO_MERCY] declares WAR upon StoneHarthLegion [LEGION-X]

We, the Gods_Of_War hereby declare WAR upon StoneHarthLegion

Reason for war:
C. Fun

Start time:
Must be at least 24 hours after post time
08/18/2014 13:00 [18 August 2014]

Conditions for victory:
E. 500 Experience Gained

Spoils of War:
(Select One Below)
C. Ceasefire between Guilds for 2 Weeks

Gods_Of_War [NO_MERCY]
45 / 45 Members


StoneHarthLegion [LEGION-X]
36 / 48 Members 
Yes, this is going to happen. No, it's not for revenge. No, it's not for  diplomatic failure. No, it's not because anyone pissed in my bowl of Cheerios.

This is a fucking fighting game. It's time to HIT SOME SHIT!